An Overview of Temperaments

By : Dr. Sunil Raghunath Patil

Published In/On :

Rational Physicians

Published Date : Jan- March 2015 (Quarterly)

A quarterly journal by Indian Institute of Homoeopathic Physician. Vol.VIII No.1, ISSN No. 2278-8999, Page No. 08 -14.

Copy Of Journal

Extent to which Emphasis to be given in teaching Allied Subject in relation to Homoeopathic Practice

By : Dr. Sunil Raghunath Patil

Published In/On :

Published Date : 28/08/2013

Index Issue No.04, April-June 2013, Page No. 27 - 32

Child Behavior Disorder and Homoeopathic

By : Dr. Sunil Raghunath Patil

Published In/On :

Published Date : 28/08/2013

Index Issue No.04, April-June-2013, Page No. 08 - 21